Fort Worth Guide: What to Do About Frozen Pipes in Your Home

What to Do About Frozen Pipes in Your Fort Worth Home

Believe it or not, Fort Worth has been getting some cold winter nights these last few years. And cold winter nights mean frozen pipes!

If you ever wake to find that water isn’t flowing out of your faucet, well, guess what? You’ve got frozen pipes.

And you’re not alone. Lots of people have had frozen water pipes. 

If you think you might have frozen water pipes in your Fort Worth home, you need to take action fast. 

With this guide, you will know how to spot early signs of pipe freeze, practical steps to thaw them out quickly and effectively, and the financial risks if left unchecked plus expert tips on getting professional help when needed.

Immediate Actions to Take When Water Pipes Freeze

A frozen water pipe can be a homeowner’s nightmare. But, don’t panic. Take prompt action to address the issue.

1. Shut Off the Water Supply

“Should I turn off water if pipes are frozen?” YES!

The first thing you should do is turn off your home’s main water supply. This action will prevent more water from freezing inside the pipes and limit potential damage if they burst, thaw, and then leak.

2. Open Your Faucets

To help relieve pressure in the system, open all faucets connected to frozen pipes, even if it’s just a trickle coming out at first.

3. Apply Heat Carefully

You can start thawing out frozen sections by applying heat gently with items like space heaters, hair dryers or heating pads wrapped around the pipe. Obviously, be careful if you plug this in near a water source and don’t leave it unattended.

4. Call for Professional Help If Needed

If these steps don’t seem enough or you’re not comfortable handling this situation yourself, call a professional plumber immediately such as Delta 1 Plumbing

We have trained experts who know how best to handle frozen pipe issues while preventing further damage to your property.

Maybe the best advice: protect your water pipes.

Will Frozen Pipes Thaw On Their Own? Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Frozen pipes can thaw on their own, but ignoring them will risk a burst pipe. 

A pipe bursting may seem like a minor hiccup but in fact, they are very costly. Consider this: a single gallon of water spilling out per minute due to a burst pipe can result in thousands of dollars worth of damage. 

Your flooring, furniture, electronics, and other belongings could get ruined within minutes.

  • Immediate Property Damage: Thousands of dollars are needed to replace or repair damaged household items and parts of your home.

  • Mold Remediation Costs: According to Mold Advisor, professional mold removal costs an average of $500-$6,000 depending on severity.

  • Increase In Insurance Premiums: Your insurance premiums may increase after making claims about water damage from frozen pipes. And home warranty coverage may not offer any assistance.

Beyond immediate property damage, there are also potential long-term issues. 

Water leaks encourage mold growth that isn’t just bad for your home’s structure; it’s harmful to your health too.

You can avoid frozen pipes and costly water damage by taking preventative action.

Here’s a video explaining why frozen water pipes burst:

What To Do With Frozen Pipes Before They Burst?

If you have frozen pipes, you may be wondering: what should I do? The obvious answer is to thaw pipes as quickly as possible. Shut off your water supply, and look for ways to warm up the frozen area. 

Thawing frozen pipes can be difficult, but it is your first line of defense.

Tackling frozen pipes yourself might seem like an easy way to save some cash. However, DIY methods can sometimes cause more damage than good. 

You may want to bring in professional help to thaw frozen pipes before they burst.

How Long Does it Take for Pipes to Unfreeze?

That’s a tough question. There are many factors involved like the temperature, pipe insulation, water flow (if any), and location of the pipe.

Usually, it is not safe to wait, as waiting could cause a broken pipe or a burst pipe. 

Waiting for pipes to unfreeze can lead to serious financial consequences if not addressed promptly. This is because frozen water expands, causing pressure buildup in the pipes which might eventually burst.

How Do You Know If You Have Frozen Pipes in Your Home?


Remember: identifying frozen pipes early helps prevent potential floods due to bursting—something none of us want.

So how do you know if your pipes are frozen?

Here are a few key signs:

  • The first sign is usually reduced flow or complete stoppage of water through taps. If the water pressure has dropped drastically or there is no flow from your faucets, and it has been particularly cold out, frozen pipes may be to blame.

  • You may also see frost on visible pipes indicating ice inside them.

  • An unusual sound like clanking or whistling when turning on a tap could indicate frozen pipes too.  

  • If there’s an odd smell coming from a faucet or drain, it might mean that a drainage pipe is blocked with ice. The odor comes back into the house since it cannot pass through the pipe. 

Quick action can help prevent more serious issues such as a water leak or burst pipes which cause significant damage.

Being Prepared: Types of Plumbing Pipes That Can Freeze in Fort Worth TX


Cold weather and freezing temperatures are part of life here in Texas. 

So when the cold hits Fort Worth, certain types of plumbing pipes are more likely to freeze. Let’s discuss what to look out for when temperatures drop.

Pipes most prone to freezing are those exposed to severe cold like along an outside wall, outside faucet or hose bib, and any exposed pipe. 

Indoor Pipes and Metal Pipes

The first culprits are indoor pipes and metal pipes, especially those in unheated areas like basements or attics. These hidden pipelines might be out of sight but they still can freeze up.

Slab Water Lines

Your slab water lines can also feel the chill. Slabs aren’t immune from freezing conditions and any leak can lead to serious issues like slab leaks

Waste Water Pipes

It’s not just water supply lines. The main sewer drains that carries away wastewater can also freeze. 

Outdoor Faucets and In-ground Lines

Last but not least, outdoor faucets and in-ground supply lines have a high risk too. They’re exposed directly to cold air and ground frost – a dangerous combo for freezing. 

Note: While we’ve covered common pipe types prone to freezing here, remember every home is unique with its quirks. 

Always get professional help if needed because nothing beats experience when dealing with tricky frozen pipes.

How Do You Unfreeze Pipes You Can’t Get To? Get Professional Help


This situation usually requires professional help. We have various tools and techniques that allow them to thaw pipes wherever they may be hidden.

But, getting professional help is often the best way to tackle them.

Delta 1 Plumbing, based out of Fort Worth, TX, specializes in this kind of job. We have seen it all and know how to fix frozen pipes fast. 

Professionals are trained on how to handle plumbing problems without causing further issues down the line, including finding and repairing slab leaks caused by frozen pipes.

Investing in professional assistance for those pesky frozen pipes will pay off big-time by preventing more serious—and expensive—damages from occurring.

Final Thoughts: What To Do About Frozen Pipes


Fort Worth winter storms can bring freezing temperatures. And with it, a frozen section of pipe.

Your quick actions will help prevent even greater problems. Like foundation leaks

Remember—ignoring that frozen pipe only leads to greater problems. So tackle them head-on and avoid unnecessary financial risks.

And consider calling in the pros. We can quickly and safely find and thaw frozen pipes and get that water flow moving again. Call a Fort Worth plumber—now! 817-819-0330

FAQs: What To Do About Frozen Pipes


Will frozen pipes thaw out on their own?

Pipes might eventually thaw when temperatures rise, but it’s risky to wait. Thawing can lead to bursts and water damage.

How long does it take for pipes to unfreeze?

The time needed varies greatly, from a few hours up to a day or more. It depends on the pipe’s location and how cold it is outside.

What should I do with frozen pipes before they burst?

You need to gently heat them as soon as possible. Use things like warm towels or a hairdryer. Avoid direct flames though.

How do you unfreeze pipes you can’t get to?

If your hidden pipe freezes, raise the thermostat in your home slightly or call professionals who have special tools for these situations.


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